
The Duration of Artificial Delays of Vessels in the Kerch Strait. The Monitoring for January and February 2021


The Monitoring Group of BlackSeaNews and the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies

The Monitoring group of the Institute for Black Sea Strategic Studies, the Maidan of Foreign Affairs and BlackSeaNews are glad to share with you the latest in a series of our monthly studies on Russia's economic war against Ukraine at the Sea of Azov.

1. In January 2021, the average duration of artificial delays of vessels going from the Black Sea to the Ukrainian ports on the Sea of Azov, Mariupol and Berdiansk, by the RF was 54 hours. The yearly average for 2020 was 23,5 hours, in October 2020 – 15.3, in November 2020 – 29,4, in December 2020 – 36,4. In February 2021, the average duration of artificial delays of vessels going from the Black Sea to the Ukrainian ports on the Sea of Azov, Mariupol and Berdiansk, by the RF was 21,2 hours. See Chart.


2. In January 2021, vessels carrying exports from Mariupol and Berdiansk were delayed at the exit from the Sea of Azov by the Russian Federation for an average of 44,5 hours. The yearly average for 2020 was 29,6 hours, in October 2020 – 19,1, in November 2020 – 35, in December 2020 – 55,1. In February 2021, vessels carrying exports from Mariupol and Berdiansk were delayed at the exit from the Sea of Azov by the Russian Federation for an average of 54,1 hours. See Chart.


3. From 22 October 2018 to February 2021, there were no open sea detentions of vessels in the Sea of Azov on the move from/to Berdiansk and Mariupol due to the fact that the Ukrainian Navy’s boats were escorting the vessels.

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For reference: the areas where freedom of navigation was violated are marked on the map – see Figure 4.

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This article has been published with the support of ZMINA Human Rights Centre.
The content of the article is the sole responsibility of the authors.