Tourist flights are offered from Krasnodar to Jordan

The first flight with tourists to Jordan is scheduled on November 1.

According to Anna Shmeleva, director of the Van Gogh travel company, flights to Jordan will be performed every 8 nights. The last flight of the season to Jordan will be on May 9.

Last year charter flights used to bring tourists from Krasnodar to Jordan, and then they were boarding buses to go for holidays in Israel. This year, Pegas tour operator started to offer tours to Jordan.

Flights to Aqaba will be performed by Orenburg Airlines. At the moment cost of the tour for two persons is 46 000 rubles. This sum includes airfare, transportation, medical insurance, 3 stars facilities accommodation and breakfasts.

Visa is issued upon arrival in the country. In this case, the term of validity of the tourist passport should be at least not less than six months .

English translation by BSN
Adapted from Yugopolis
