
Medical tourism share in Romania doubled over the last 3 years

Approximately 70 thousand foreigners have visited Romania in the first 5 months of 2012 for medical treatment and health improvement purposes, reaching the level of 3% from the total number of foreign tourists.

According to the official data, 2.5 million foreign tourists have visited Romania in January – May 2012, which is 12.5% more than in the same period of 2011.

These foreign tourists have spent almost 250 million EURO in the country, which is approximately 3500 EURO per person. The major demand falls on health improvement procedures at Spa-centers.

Other trends, popular among the guest of the country, include dentistry, aesthetic medicine, and organism rejuvenation, where the quality catches up the Western European level, while the prices are still lower considerably.

English translation by BSN
Adapted from VOTPUSK.RU