
Moldovan government launches early warning system for farmers

The Agriculture and Food Ministry on November 13 launched an early warning system for farmers. In the near future, it will provide to subscribers information about weather and market prices. 

Attending the conference, Agriculture and Food Minister Vasile Bumacov said such a warning and early communication system is important for the farmers' activity, «as they are working where there is no TV». The system is meant to transmit the information by internet and mobile telephony.

This initiative of setting such a system belongs to the ministry, and is a part of a project on management of disasters and climate risks in Moldova. The project is implemented on the basis of a financing agreement signed between the government and the International Development Agency. The World Bank earmarked 10 million dollars for the launch and development of the project.

The system's management will be carried out by the National Rural Development Agency, and will be a part of the Information Agricultural Marketing System of the ministry. The State Hydrometeorological Service and the Civil Protection and Emergencies Service of the Interior Ministry will contribute by providing information on the matter.

The project's goal is to monitor the climate conditions and to launch warnings for natural hazards. The system will also manage the reactions at the natural hazards and will help the farmers adapt to the bad weather conditions. The Agriculture and Food Ministry said the bad climate changes inflict annual damage estimated at over 50 million dollars, and the 2007 and 2012 drought encroaches upon the public budget with 12.5 (1 billion dollars) and respectively 2.5 billion lei.

Adapted from Moldpres