
Moldova ranks 62nd in ITU rating

In 2012, Moldova has maintained the 62nd position out of 155 countries in the rating of development of information technologies [IT], annually released by the International Telecommunication Union - ITU) – the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies – ICTs.

Moldova gas 4.55 points, which is 0.08 more against the previous rating.

According to ITU experts, the ICT sector in Moldova is one of the most important driving-forces in society and in the business community.

According to the rating, in spite of the 30% decrease in the rates fir ICT services at international level, in Moldova these prices further remain high, reported to the GDP per capita.

South Korea ranks first in the top, being followed by Sweden, Denmark, Island and Finland. Japan ranks 8th in the top, whereas Great Britain – 9th and the USA – 15th.

The scores have been elaborated since 2007, on the basis of eleven indexes on access to ICT, their use, the number of fixed and mobile telephones per 100 people, the number of households that have PCs, the number of internet users and the literacy rates.

Almost all those 155 states included in the rating have improved their indexes, which points to the continuous development of the ICT all over the world.

Adapted from Infotag