
Kherson region got 18.7 million UAH from tourists in 2012

Tourism industry companies of Kherson region have already paid 18.7 million UAH of taxes and duties to the budget in 2012.

This information has been announced by the press service of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine.

8.4 million UAH of them have gone to the state budget. Comparing with the same last year’s period, the receipts from the tourism business have grown by almost 2.5 million UAH.

The largest volume of taxes and duties’ payments has been received from short-term residence facilities – 9.2 million UAH. Sanatorium-and-spa institutions have also stirred up their activities – their input to the budget for 10 months of this year has reached 4.4 million UAH.

Tour agency and travel bureaus have been less successful this year. Their activities have brought 1.8 million UAH to the budget, lowering the results of the same last year’s period by 27.2 thousand UAH.

English transltion by BSN
Adapted from