
Georgia's trade turnover with CIS countries is steadily growing

Geostat published its report on foreign trade operations in Georgia in January-October this year, according to which Georgia's turnover with CIS countries amounted to $2.680 billion.

This is 12% more than last year and is 31% of the total foreign turnover of Georgia, including 52% of exports and 25% of imports. In 2011, these percentages were respectively 32%, 48% and 28%.

In absolute terms, exports of Georgia to CIS countries amounted to $1.023 billion , imports to $1.657 billion.

Geostat also noted that the CIS countries accounted for 14% of the trade deficit of the country (in January-October last year - 18%). A negative balance of trade with the CIS countries decreased by 12%.

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) includes the former Soviet republics except for Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

Georgia was a member of the CIS until August 2009.
