
Eurobarometer: almost 50 percent of Romanians want own business

The share of Romanians who would want to be their own bosses - 48 percent - is one of the highest in the EU states, being exceeded in this chart only by the Portuguese, Latvians, Lithuanians, Bulgarians and Greeks, shows a Eurobarometer released in Brussels on the occasion of the European Commission's (EC) presenting an action plan to stimulate entrepreneurship.

According to the survey, in Romania 48 percent of the citizens would like to have their own business, 47 percent do not see themselves in a different position from that of employee, 3 percent would prefer none of the two positions and 2 percent were undecided.
A business opportunity arising is the main reason for which many of the respondents in the EU countries said they decided to set up a business. The only exceptions are Romania and Greece, where most of the respondents said they set up their own business out of necessity.

Moreover, Romanians differentiate themselves through the fact that the job security interests them less when it comes to enumerate the reasons for which they prefer to be employees and not owners. Only 15 percent of the employees of Romania, Spain or Portugal are interested in this reason when choosing to be employees, unlike Italy, where this aspect is the most important one.

Adapted from AGERPRES
