Russia counts on the cultural and educational tourism – expert

Cultural and educational tourism is one of the major types of tourism in the Russian Federation and plays an important role in the structure of tourism flows. Such information has been announced by the Russian Federal Tourism Agency Counselor Sergey Teodorovich at the II International Black Sea Tourism Forum in Yalta.

According to his information and expert estimates, the share of such tourism amounts to 20% in the domestic tourism traffic and 33% - in the inbound tourism.

“According to experts’ estimates, its annual growth amounts to approximately 15 %”, the expert has noted.

He believes that one of quite important aspects of this type of tourism includes the protection of historical and cultural monuments: “The good-quality and competitive tourism can, to a considerable extent, influence upon the preservation of the cultural heritage and, vice versa, the exuberance of cultural and historical objects can be a powerful incentive for tourism development”.


English translation by BSNews