More than 5 mln UAH is planned to be allocated on the development of Crimea’s resorts

In 2013 Crimean government plans to allocate 5,240 mln UAH on developing resorts and tourism. This is stated in the draft resolution, posted on the official website of the AR Crimea Council of Ministers.

285 ths UAH is provided for development of science-based system of how to reform Crimea’s health resorts. 95 ths UAH will be used to perform inventory and detailed description of all tourist resources, 100 ths UAH - on marketing and social research, 90 ths - on improving methods of industry analysis. In addition, more than 1 million UAH is provided for infrastructure development: surveying the bottom of the beach areas - 200 ths UAH, creating a comprehensive tourist information network - 200 ths UAH, support for official Crimean tourist Internet portal and the AR Crimea Ministry of resorts Internet site - 99 ths UAH, marking hiking trails - 534 ths, installing billboards about Crimea - 50 ths UAH. 100 thousand UAH is planned to be spent on increasing the level of professional training in the industry.

More than 3 million UAH is allocated on popularization of Crimean resort and extending the season’s duration. It is planned to conduct press tours for the media, promotional tours for tour operators, Days of Crimea, traditional tourist fairs and other events.

English translation by BSN
