
Yevpatoria increased sales of sanatorium (health hotel) and resort products by 20-30%

Comparing with 2012, the volume of Yevpatoria sales of sanatorium (health hotel) and resort products grew by 20-30%.

Such information has been announced at the XIX International Exhibition UІTT 2013 “Ukraine – Travel and Tourism” by Tatiana Yumina, Head of the Resort and Tourism Department of the Yevpatoria City Council: “Comparing with 2012, people show more interest both in children and family health improvement, as well as the events, scheduled in the city. There is also a demand for short-term tours for one or two days”.

According to her, at the UІTT 2013 Exhibition Yevpatoria has presented a new catalogue, containing more than 50 medical programs and an event calendar.


English translation by BSNews