
The Black Sea recognized as one of the most unfavorable places for seafarers

Experts of the International Transport Workers' Federation have acknowledged that the Black Sea is one of the most unfavorable places for the work of seafarers.

They have made such conclusion after conducting the Action Week against flags of convenience at the Black Sea, informs.

In the course of the inspection they have checked 120 vessels at 30 ports of Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, and Russia. Only in Ukraine they have inspected 31 vessels at 12 ports of the country in collaboration with inspectors from the Ukrainian Federation of Marine Trade Unions.

The experts have established that the vast majority of vessels violate the rights of seafarers, namely labor conditions, decent labor remuneration, timely payment of salaries, as well as the observance of safety regulations.

At present approximately 2400 ships operate at the Black Sea. The service life of the majority of them has exceeded 20 years, and approximately 800 vessels have been operated for more than 30 years.

English translation by BSN