
Consortium of Romanian companies to restore irrigation systems in Lopatna and Criuleni

A consortium of Romanian companies Hidroconstructie & IAMSAT Munteni has become the winner of a tender on reconstruction and modernization of the irrigation systems in Lopatna (Orhei district) and Criuleni. Operational contracts were signed on May 27 by the managers of the above-mentioned companies and the Millennium Challenge Fund. 

According to Valentina Badrajan, Executive Director of Millennium Challenge Account Moldova (MCA), the overall budget of the signed contracts stands at about US$8 million. 

«The rehabilitation works will start in July and will be completed in 18 months. These works will make it possible to expand the irrigated farmlands in Lopatna village, from 50 hectares to 509 hectares and in Criuleni, from 120 hectares to 760 hectares,» she said. 

She also said that a French company will be monitoring the progress of work. 

The Deputy Head of the US Diplomatic Mission to Moldova, Kara McDoland, voiced hope that the rehabilitation works will be performed successfully, within the established timeframes and within the frameworks of the approved budget. She also highlighted the importance of this project for the creation of a progressive agriculture in Moldova. 

Acting Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Vasile Bumacov said that the singing of this contract was possible due to a huge amount of work that had been done before. He also said that «for the winners of this tender, the current euphoria will be soon replaced by a feeling of great responsibility.» 

He also thanked the USA for the provided assistance and highlighted the importance of this support, with regard to the fact that «Moldova will be facing droughty periods more often.» 

As many as six companies from France, Portugal, Romania and Austria were willing to carry out the rehabilitation of the centralized irrigation systems Criuleni and Lopatna in Orhei raion, with Millennium Challenge Compact funds. They submitted their applications to a special tender meant to select construction and supervision companies. The bidding was organized by the Millennium Challenge Compact, within the framework of the Compact program.  

Adapted from Infotag
