
More than 3 million people recreated in the Crimea

As on July 24, more than 3.1 million people have already recreated in the Crimea, exceeding the similar period of 2012 by 2.2%.

According to the Crimean Ministry of Resorts and Tourism, by now 10% from the total number of tourists have arrived by air transport. The air transport flow amounts to 308 thousand people, exceeding the similar period of 2012 by 11.3%.

According to the First Deputy Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Crimea Nikolay Martynov, the number of Crimean tourists grows every year. In 2012, comparing with 2011, the peninsula hosted 16.5% more tourists during the May holidays and 13.1% more tourists in September and October. At that, the growth of the tourist flow during the high season period was quite insignificant.

He has also informed that the number of vacationers, coming to the Crimea by airplanes, grows from year to year. “Every year the air transport flow grows by 15% at the minimum. At that, the share of railway transportation of passengers goes down: three years ago we had 70%, now – 66%”.
