
WebМoney does not approach NBU on registration

The Webmoney inquiry on registration of a system of e-payments did not come to the National Bank of Ukraine.

Director of the NBU General Department of information technologies and payment systems Natalia Syniavska told a press conference on Monday, a Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“As concerns WebМoneyNote or WebМoneyTransfer (this organization has many names)... today there is not an inquiry from this system about registration of the electronic payment system,” Syniavska has said.

She explained that in 2010, WebМoney submitted the documents on registration via Ukrainian Professional Bank to the National Bank, for which remarks were made. “Following the receipt of remarks, they did not approach the NBU any more,” the department director noted.

At the same time, Syniavska noted that the NBU cannot estimate the turnover volume of WebMoney's electronic money. “A system, which is outside a legal framework zone, is hard to be estimated. It is impossible to check the volumes, since there is no control over them,” she noted.

To remind, the Revenues and Duties Ministry of Ukraine has blocked over UAH 60 million on enterprises' accounts, included into the so-called scheme of WebMoneyTransfer. Also, a great number of computer technologies were withdrawn with the program of this payment system.

The NBU said that the payment system WebMoney had no permission from the National Bank of Ukraine for the issue of electronic money.

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