
UN: Bulgarians are less happy than Afghans

Bulgarians are less happy than the Afghans and the Macedonians, a recently published ranking of the United Nations shows.

The top 5 happiest countries were found to be Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Sweden. In the top ten are also Canada, Finland, Austria, Iceland and Australia.

The study was carried out in the period 2010-2012. Among 156 countries, Bulgaria occupies the 144th place, just behind Afghanistan. The unhappiest are the Togoans.

The ranking was prepared by specialists in economics, psychology, statistics and other branches of science. The criteria for the evaluation were divided to 6 factors, including real gross domestic product per capita, life expectancy in good health, ability to count on someone from a person's immediate surroundings, subjective degree of freedom in decision-making, safety from corruption and generosity.

Even Albania (62th), Kosovo (83th), Serbia (106th), Bosnia and Herzegovina (107th), Macedonia (118th) managed to qualify better than Bulgaria.

Adapted from StandartNews