Environmentalists against simultaneous operation of port and airport in Anaklia

Environmental NGOs comment on Economy Minister’s statement regarding the port and airport construction in a conversation with Commersant.

Recall that the government changed its mind to build an airport in Poti and instead of Poti, the international airport will be built side by side the port in Anaklia because, as the government explains, there is a swampy zone and a flight route for birds in Poti and the airport construction is unjustified there.

Co-chairperson of "Green Movement" Nino Chkhobadze believes that Anaklia is a good place for the port construction while to build a port in the territory of the Kolkheti National Park is not allowed without taking into account the harm to environment and the human mind. As for the issue of airport, Chkhobadze suggests that the Economy Minister meant Senaki airport area. In his words, Anaklia area is small for the port and the airport while the capacity will be very high.

Anaklia is a small village where a simultaneous operation of the port and the airport is incredible – Chairperson of the nongovernmental organization "Green Alternative" states. According to Manana Kochladze, the decision to build the important objects should not be done so easily: it is necessary to study the area, to conduct a survey and make a conclusion on a real harm to the environment and people.