
Andriy Klymenko: «La “flotte fantôme russe“ est un mythe inventé par commodité»

Andrii Klymenko: "The Shadow Fleet and Price Ceiling are Myths Contrived by the US for its Own Convenience"

The Problem of Assessing Russia's Economic Capacity to Wage War Under Sanctions. Part 6

Sanctions Must Continue: A Comparative Analysis of Sanctions Against Legal Entities

Andrii Klymenko: The Global Sanctions Policy Must be Viewed as a Powerful Instrument of International Security

Sanctions: Who has imposed more and whose are more effective? The comparative analysis of the content and scope of sanctions against legal entities

Crimean Titan: Under a Russian Holding or a Ukrainian Tank?

A Review of the Impact of International Sanctions on the Socio-economic Situation in the Russian Federation

Illegal Visits to Crimean Ports by Foreign Merchant Ships (Except Russian Ones) in 2020

How the Sanctions Work. The Defense Industry of the Occupied Crimea

New Ukrainian Sanctions: What Was Added to and What Is Missing from the List. Updated Sanctions Database
The Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies, the Maidan of Foreign Affairs, and BlackSeaNews has analysed the list of legal entities contained in this decision and updated the general database of legal entities subject to sanctions imposed by Ukraine, the United States, and the European Union in connection with the aggression against Ukraine.

The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions (10-11). The Cost of the Occupation to Russia and What Awaits Crimea and Sevastopol
The Monitoring group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BSNews presents a series of publications on the real impact of Crimean sanctions on Russia's economy: © T. GUCHAKOVA, A. KLYMENKO, O. KORBUT. The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions. Issue 2. Translated from Ukrainian by Hanna Klymenko. Edited by Andrii Klymenko and Tetyana Guchakova. – Kyiv, 2020. – 28 p.: ill.

The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions (9). The Updated "Crimean Sanctions Package"
The Monitoring group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BSNews presents a series of publications on the real impact of Crimean sanctions on Russia's economy: © T. GUCHAKOVA, A. KLYMENKO, O. KORBUT. The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions. Issue 2. Translated from Ukrainian by Hanna Klymenko. Edited by Andrii Klymenko and Tetyana Guchakova. – Kyiv, 2020. – 28 p.: ill.

The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions (6-8). The Peculiarities of Economic Processes in Russia and Occupied Crimea under Sanctions
The Monitoring group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BSNews presents a series of publications on the real impact of Crimean sanctions on Russia's economy: © T. GUCHAKOVA, A. KLYMENKO, O. KORBUT. The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions. Issue 2. Translated from Ukrainian by Hanna Klymenko. Edited by Andrii Klymenko and Tetyana Guchakova. – Kyiv, 2020. – 28 p.: ill.

The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions (5): the Imposition of U.S. Sanctions against Russian Plants over the Production of Warships in Crimea
The Monitoring group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BSNews presents a series of publications on the real impact of Crimean sanctions on Russia's economy: © T. GUCHAKOVA, A. KLYMENKO, O. KORBUT. The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions. Issue 2. Translated from Ukrainian by Hanna Klymenko. Edited by Andrii Klymenko and Tetyana Guchakova. – Kyiv, 2020. – 28 p.: ill.