

Andriy Klymenko: «La “flotte fantôme russe“ est un mythe inventé par commodité»

24 February 2025
Andriy Klymenko est le chef du groupe de surveillance de l’Institut d’études stratégiques de la mer Noire et le rédacteur en chef du portail BlackSeaNews. Tyzhden s’est entretenu avec lui au sujet de la flotte fantôme russe, de l’efficacité des sanctions et des perspectives de limiter le trafic pétrolier russe en mer Baltique.

Andrii Klymenko: "The Shadow Fleet and Price Ceiling are Myths Contrived by the US for its Own Convenience"

20 February 2025
Andrii Klymenko, Head of the Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies, talks about how to weaken Russia's financial capacity to wage an aggressive war; the fact that Russian oil is not really sanctioned; the shadow fleet and the possibility of shutting down the Baltic Sea to tankers with Russian “blood oil”; and the urgency of imposing a complete embargo on all trade with Russia.

The Problem of Assessing Russia's Economic Capacity to Wage War Under Sanctions. Part 6

21 January 2025
Extremely important political conclusions are made on the basis of the Russian official statistics and with the use of classical methods of peacetime economic and social analysis under the conditions of deliberate disinformation campaigns waged by Russia, which are intended to lead to such conclusions. Note that the BSISS conclusions had been drawn, but not yet published, a few days prior to the recent crash of the Russian Sukhoi Superjet at Antalya Airport, Turkey.

Sanctions Must Continue: A Comparative Analysis of Sanctions Against Legal Entities

15 December 2024
If the goal is to, at the very least, prevent military production by the Russian Federation, the process of identifying relevant legal entities and applying sanctions must continue at full speed. Exposing and restricting every enterprise directly or indirectly related to the Russian military-industrial complex or war financing is crucial in preventing the aggressor from producing modern weapons of the qualities and in the quantities required for warfare.

Andrii Klymenko: The Global Sanctions Policy Must be Viewed as a Powerful Instrument of International Security

28 June 2024
Below is the text of the presentation by the Head of the BSN-BSISS Monitoring group Andrii Klymenko at the Crimean Expert Platform Conference, June 24, 2024, Kyiv

Sanctions: Who has imposed more and whose are more effective? The comparative analysis of the content and scope of sanctions against legal entities

07 November 2023
The analysis has been made based on the database of legal entities subject to sanctions in connection with Russian aggression against Ukraine, maintained by the Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies since the beginning of Russian aggression. Ukrainian, US, EU, UK, and Canadian sanctions have been analysed.

Crimean Titan: Under a Russian Holding or a Ukrainian Tank?

21 July 2023
The Crimean Titan may become part of a large titanium holding company being created in Russia by the companies closely affiliated with the Rotenberg brothers or a «fallen hero» holding back the Ukrainian offensive. Either one of the diametrically opposed scenarios is a real possibility in the near future. In any case, in recent months, Crimean patriots have been regularly reporting that Russia has been taking steps to turn the Crimean Titan into a fortification on the path of a Ukrainian counteroffensive. Since May this year, Ukrainian officials have been also voicing such opinion.

A Review of the Impact of International Sanctions on the Socio-economic Situation in the Russian Federation

07 November 2022
Putin's October 2022 statements have sent a clear signal: Russia wants to supply fuel to Europe. The start of the EU embargo on Russian maritime oil and petroleum products export on December 5, 2022, and February 5, 2023, respectively, could become a major turning point. The war, sanctions and trade blockade put the Russian economy on the «powder keg» of future trillion-dollar defaults. Russian economy is currently experiencing a growing jam of loan defaults. No sector of the Russian economy would remain unaffected by the current crisis caused by the large-scale war and Western sanctions. The sanctions hit Russia much more painfully than those who apply them.

Illegal Visits to Crimean Ports by Foreign Merchant Ships (Except Russian Ones) in 2020

15 March 2021
While in 2014, the first year of the occupation of Crimea and the year of the imposition of sanctions, 85 vessels violated them, later the number of violators declined annually, and in 2020, there were only 11 such vessels, i.e. their number had decreased eightfold. The impossibility of legal maritime export and import due to sanctions has rendered the whole port industry of occupied Crimea unnecessary for the economy.

How the Sanctions Work. The Defense Industry of the Occupied Crimea

22 January 2021
The occupied Crimea has become a base for troops and armaments, an important logistical point in the Russian military operations in Syria, and a convenient locale for much of the military-industrial complex formed with the captured Ukrainian enterprises.

New Ukrainian Sanctions: What Was Added to and What Is Missing from the List. Updated Sanctions Database

22 July 2020

The Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies, the Maidan of Foreign Affairs, and BlackSeaNews has analysed the list of legal entities contained in this decision and updated the general database of legal entities subject to sanctions imposed by Ukraine, the United States, and the European Union in connection with the aggression against Ukraine.


The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions (10-11). The Cost of the Occupation to Russia and What Awaits Crimea and Sevastopol

06 June 2020

The Monitoring group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BSNews presents a series of publications on the real impact of Crimean sanctions on Russia's economy: © T. GUCHAKOVA, A. KLYMENKO, O. KORBUT. The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions. Issue 2. Translated from Ukrainian by Hanna Klymenko. Edited by Andrii Klymenko and Tetyana Guchakova. – Kyiv, 2020. – 28 p.: ill.


The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions (9). The Updated "Crimean Sanctions Package"

06 June 2020

The Monitoring group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BSNews presents a series of publications on the real impact of Crimean sanctions on Russia's economy: © T. GUCHAKOVA, A. KLYMENKO, O. KORBUT. The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions. Issue 2. Translated from Ukrainian by Hanna Klymenko. Edited by Andrii Klymenko and Tetyana Guchakova. – Kyiv, 2020. – 28 p.: ill.


The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions (6-8). The Peculiarities of Economic Processes in Russia and Occupied Crimea under Sanctions

20 May 2020

The Monitoring group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BSNews presents a series of publications on the real impact of Crimean sanctions on Russia's economy: © T. GUCHAKOVA, A. KLYMENKO, O. KORBUT. The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions. Issue 2. Translated from Ukrainian by Hanna Klymenko. Edited by Andrii Klymenko and Tetyana Guchakova. – Kyiv, 2020. – 28 p.: ill.


The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions (5): the Imposition of U.S. Sanctions against Russian Plants over the Production of Warships in Crimea

18 May 2020

The Monitoring group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BSNews presents a series of publications on the real impact of Crimean sanctions on Russia's economy: © T. GUCHAKOVA, A. KLYMENKO, O. KORBUT. The Real Impact of Crimean Sanctions. Issue 2. Translated from Ukrainian by Hanna Klymenko. Edited by Andrii Klymenko and Tetyana Guchakova. – Kyiv, 2020. – 28 p.: ill.