

Schedule of ferries in the Black Sea in October 2012 (1)

15 October 2012

Andrei KLIMENKO, BlackSeaNews. 2 years have made us convinced: nowadays the sea ferries are, perhaps, the only one link that ties together all the Black Sea countries. Despite all the nuances and relationship problems:). We have been preparing a series of publications on the Black Sea ferries for a long time. So, this one is just the very beginning. We have not found anywhere a single comprehensive schedule for the Black Sea ferries, thus, decided to start compiling it ourselves. And with our readers’ help...


Famous mega liner QUEEN ELIZABETH in Yalta. Exclusive Photo Report of the Yalta Marine Photographers

10 October 2012

Andrei KLIMENKO, BlackSeaNews. As we reported on October 7, 2012 the British mega cruise liner QUEEN ELIZABETH moored to the Yalta sea port’s berth.From the very sunrise and the whole day long the lenses of our friends - marine photographers Nickolai N, Mikhail Leontiev, Alex Kostin and iIlya Zhyrnov were focused on the liner. Just have a look at the results!


Schedule of cruise ship calls at the Black Sea ports in October 2012

03 October 2012

Andrei KLIMENKO, BlackSeaNews. No less than 14 cruise ships will visit Black Sea ports in October 2012, compared to 5 in June, 11 in July, 7 in August, and 16 in September. They will visit at least 14 ports, besides Istanbul (in July they visited 12 ports, 11 in August, 13 in September and October).

1 mega-liner - QUEEN ELIZABETH – will visit the Black Sea for the first time.


Crimean economy without myths ... about tourism (4) Exclusive from BlackSeaNews

01 October 2012

Andrei Klimenko, Tatiana GUCHAKOVA, BlackSeaNews. For nearly 130 years tourist perception of the Crimea has been the naively usual and naively natural context of all the philistine concepts of its development... But six months ago, resorts and tourism have officially become number one priority of the new strategy of the Crimea ... What are the risks and what the Crimean government can rely on? What will turn out of this?


Ukrainian MAXI BRAZIL - the Black Sea mega-bulk carrier was loaded at port Yuzhny, passed through the Bosphoros, heading Suez / Maps / Photos

18 September 2012

Andrei KLIMENKO, BSNews. September 17, 2012 mega-bulk carrier MAXI BRAZIL left the Black Sea for the Bosphorus, passed by Istanbul and put forth to the Marmara Sea heading Suez. The giant ship is likely to pass through the Suez Canal heading China with a cargo of iron-ore concentrate. See the exclusive photo report from Istanbul specially for BSNews


Forest in Yalta is on fire again. Forest fire at the time of Yalta rally near the Uchan-Su waterfall / PHOTO / VIDEO

16 September 2012

Andrei Klimenko, BSNews. At about 07:15 (LT) September16, 2012 we noticed smoke in the hard-to-reach location at the foot of the rocky slope of the Ai-Petri Mount at the height of about 200 meters above the waterfall Ychan-Su. About 8:10 helicopter Mi-2 of Yalta mountain-forest preserve showed up above the seat of fire. At 9:42 Mi-8 helicopter of the Crimean branch of Ministry of Emergency of Ukraine arrived from Simferopol and made the first discharge of water onto the fire seat ...


Yalta Prime Rally 2012: Current News. Results

14 September 2012

BlackSeaNews. 2012 Prime Yalta Rally, Stage of FIA European Rally Cup, is taking place during September, 14-16, 2012 using the mountain roads near city of Yalta and Ai-Petri Mountain. The Prime Yalta Rally 2012 is the 10th round of the Intercontinental Rally Challenge (IRC).


First time in the Black Sea: Cruise liner ARCADIA arrived in Yalta and did not take risks to enter the port /Photo-report/

10 September 2012

Andrei KLIMENKO, BSNews. 2012-09-10 07:39 (LT)ARCADIA arived in Yalta from Istanbul. The ship is for the first time in the Black Sea. Presumably the captain of the ship was not familiar with the port of Yalta and he did not take the risks of entering the port, but anchored the ship 600 meters away from the coast. This decision was probably the result of wind and storm. Of more than 2,000 passengers just 700 expressed wish to go ashore by tenders.


Most Popular

08 September 2012

Database of Vessels en Route from Mariupol to Berdyansk Detained by the RF Coast Guard of the Border Service of the FSB in the Azov Sea

New Economic Sanctions Against the RF in Connection With Its Illegal Activity in the Occupied Crimea

«The Gray Zone». The Occupied Crimea: Sanctions Violations in 2017. The Monitoring Results

"The Gray Zone". Crimea: Four Years of Occupation

Database of the Russian Airlines that Flew to the Occupied Crimea in May 2018


Schedule of cruise ship calls at the Black Sea ports in September 2012

05 September 2012

Andrei KLIMENKO, BlackSeaNews At the very least, 16 cruise ships (instead of 5 in June, 11 in July, 7 in August) would call at the Black Sea ports in September 2012. Excluding Istanbul, they’ll visit, at least 13 ports. 2 mega-cruise ships ARCADIAand AZURA enter the Black Sea for the first time.6 vessel entries include overnight stay in a port - quite rare case in the Black Sea. 4 of them are the mega-vessels of about 300 meters in length, including famous QUEEN VICTORIA


New Metro Line, Eid ul-Fitr Holiday and Chess Olympiad. Istanbul for the period 16-29/08/2012. BSN review.

03 September 2012

Helen Liukova, BlackSeaNews. For the past weeks developing Istanbul has feasted the Lesser Bayram holiday and celebrated the opening of a new metro line. Istanbul University has become part of The best universities of the World rating, whereas the city was identified as the noisiest city of Turkey. This and more in the coming BlackSeaNews review.


Law on Sea Ports of Ukraine: First Impressions

04 July 2012

Arthur NITSEVYCH, Managing Partner, «International Law Offices», Alex CHEBOTARENKO, Senior lawyer, «International Law Offices», especially for BlackSeaNews. Ukraine has adopted and published new Law on Sea Ports. What is worth emphasizing first as the most important about this Law is that a long-waited reform of a sea port legal status has been introduced in the long run...


Crimean economy without myths (3) Exclusive from BlackSeaNews

11 May 2012

Andrei KLIMENKO, Tatiana GUCHAKOVA, BlackSeaNews. In the past 20 years the Crimean economy «preferred» natural restructuring against the background of preservation of the big chemistry enterprises – a sheer market experiment... Spontaneity was especially evident in 2003-2008, when a massive market deviation occurred – land and construction businesses, which for the short period developed into main economic branches of the Crimea, by the present time have come to self-destruction ...


Crimean economy without myths (2) Exclusive from BlackSeaNews

06 May 2012

Andrei Klimenko, Tatiana Guchakova, BlackSeaNews .The structure of the Crimean economy, spontaneously formed by 2001and unchanged till nowadays , is the main challenge for the new team of the Crimean government. And it is not about reforming, but about the need to change radically and in a relatively short time an established, stably primitive and hopeless economic structure consisting of the post-Soviet leftovers with some individual market economy inclusions.


Crimean economy without myths (1) Exclusive from BlackSeaNews

18 April 2012

Andrei Klimenko, Tatiana GUCHAKOVA, BlackSeaNews. The nature of economic processes in the Crimea was never determined by tourism. It is just a myth. First and foremost, in Soviet times the Crimea was a military base and the center of the instrument-making and ship-building intended for military purposes. Resort specialization was just a social program meant for the USSR population and its cost-effectiveness was not needed then, while now ...