

European Parliament resolution on an EU Strategy for the Black Sea (1)

27 January 2011

...Whereas the Black Sea Synergy (BSS) has had the merit of recognising the Black Sea region as strategic for the EU, together with the need for strengthened EU involvement in the area; whereas BSS results have so far been rather limited and no clear and comprehensive picture exists of the current implementation results of the BSS, exposing the EU to criticism that it lacks a strategic vision for the region and that it is applying a fragmented approach to implementation...


The Current State of Economic Development in the Black Sea Region. A Report by the Commission on the Black Sea (1)

10 January 2011

BSNews editorial note. We continue to publish a series of reports of the Commission on the Black Sea which reassess the economic, social, regional political and military developments in the Black Sea region. This report provides a better understanding of the parameters of the economic developments in the Black Sea. Its author – Panayotis GAVRAS.


The Crimea in the European dimension. View from the Ai-Petri (St Peter) Mount

25 December 2010

Andrei KLIMENKO, Tatyana GUCHAKOVA, BSNews. Unfortunately, a new engagement of the Crimea into the framework of interests of Europe is once again, as in 1853, connected with the war – the Russian-Georgian conflict, which started during the night of 7 to 8 August 2008. But this time the interest of Europe may give the Crimea a chance. Though the Crimea has already missed quite a number of opportunities...


The Black Sea triangles: Is there a solution?

24 December 2010

Andrei KLIMENKO, BSNews. The end of June 2010. The conference "Triangle Ukraine-Romania-Moldova: ...” organized by the Odessabranch of the National Institute for Strategic Studies. It was there, when even the first, superficial glance at the almost unknown in the Crimea Trans-Dniester conflict developed into persistent image that the whole Black Sea coastline is dotted with identical, still different, but at the same time impalpably similar triangles of conflicts...


A 2020 Vision for the Black Sea Region. A Report by the Commission on the Black Sea

25 August 2010

The Commission on the Black Sea, The increased geopolitical volatility of the region has proven, time and again, that unresolved issues can ignite into open warfare. Its festering conflicts retard economic development and have the potential to flare up into wider conflagrations. While the opportunity to transfer Caspian oil and gas to European markets raises hopes for regional economic development and prosperity, competition to control pipelines, shipping lanes and transport routes to secure increased political and economic influence...