Visa regime between the Black Sea region countries to be removed

Adoption of the declaration to support the introduction of the visa-free regime between the Black Sea region countries is possible in the nearest future.

Such information has been announced by the President of the International Black Sea Club and Azov City Mayor Sergey Bezdolnyy at the session of the ХХIV Club’s Assembly in Rostov.

According to him, the visa-free regime would facilitate the interaction of the Club’s member cities significantly.

In addition to that, Club members have approved the strategy of the IBSC development for 2013-2018, with the major objective to transform the Club into a high-authority international organization.

The list of Club members includes 30 cities of the Black Sea and Mediterranean regions from 10 countries: Italy, Greece, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Abkhazia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, and Russia, reports.

English translation by BSN
