Moldova ranks 74th in Global Peace Index top

With a total score of 1.98 points, the Republic of Moldova ranks 74th among those 162 countries included in the Global Peace Index 2013 top, worked out by the representatives of the Institute for Economics and Peace.

According to the Global Peace Index results, the top three most peaceful countries are Iceland, Denmark and New Zealand.

Moldova got the best place among the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Thus, Kazakhstan got the 78th place, which was better positioned than Belarus (96), Armenia (98), Turkmenistan (103), Tajikistan (118) and Azerbaijan (126). The Russian Federation, ranking the 155th place, got in the Top 10 of the less peaceful countries. Romania topped the 30th place.

The Global Peace Index was carried out after consultations held with the experts in the area from various institutes from all over the world and on the ground of a statistical data. The list was published for the first time in May 2007 and, subsequently, was annually updated.

This year’s results suggest that threats to peace are rather found inside the countries than outside. The countries are given points according to 22 indexes, which measure the interior peace degree (for example: the perceived criminality level, the number of policemen on 100.000 people and the level of organised crime), as well as the external peace indexes (including the level of military expenses compared to the GDP and the holding of nuclear weapons).

Adapted from MOLDPRES 

